The Super Mario Bros. Movie : 5 cool facts

The Super Mario Bros

Image by IMDB

To many video game franchises have hit the silver screen in one shape or form ever since the 1990s. Undoubtedly, one film that has garnered more attention and hype than pretty much any other game to screen adaptation is the upcoming Super Mario Brothers movie. Not to be confused with the 1993 thing that was released theatrically, the upcoming Super Mario Brothers Movie is a fully animated feature film spearheaded by Illumination Studios and features an A list celebrity cast. And people aren’t thrilled over the fact that Chris Pratt is voicing Mario. But come on, Bowser being voiced by Jack Black? That’s pretty cool. With the trailer out, fans and critics are making their predictions.


Now, for the sake of this list, let’s establish what readily available information we’re taking into account. Not only has the first trailer and a poster dropped for this film, but the cast list for many characters have been revealed, giving us a bit more information to go off of. We’re going to be mostly discussing plot details, future unannounced characters, and possible references that many predict could be implemented in one way or another. With that established, let’s jump into our list and take a look at some popular predictions for the Super Mario Bros. Movie

First off, let’s take a look at one of the most important aspects of this film story, that being,


What is Bowser’s Plan ?


The recently released teaser trailer. Bowser, along with Kamek and an army of Koopa Troopas, invade a land full of Penguins to steal a power star away from their possession. Bowser is a force to be reckoned with, and kamax magic only intensifies the already looming threat. From this trailer, it seems Bowser’s plot will be very similar to that of Super Mario 64, stealing power stars to gain a monopoly over the entire. Kingdom since Bowser size has been considerably inconsistent over the course of the Mario series, we wouldn’t be surprised if the Koopa King is gathering these stars in an effort to become bigger and more destructive. It’s unconfirmed whether or not Bowser will capture Princess Peach in the film, but given that’s one of his defining actions over the course of the series, we would be surprised if that didn’t come into play. Personally, we love this idea because it respects the simple but effective plot of the games, and we’d be happy to see it unfold on the big screen. Now that we’ve predicted the villain’s motives, let’s take a look at the other side of the coin.


How does Mario get to the Mushroom Kingdom?


Canonically, Mario has been mostly known as a plumber from Brooklyn before he and his brother found a warp pipe leading to the Mushroom Kingdom. The teaser trailer seems to follow this interpretation, with Mario being ejected from a pipe and being introduced to Toad, who takes him on a Kingdom tour. That being said, how did Mario find this pipe? Was it in his own bathroom or was he plumbing for a client? Well? One of the more surprising characters to be featured on the movie’s roster is that a foreman spike, the villain of the 1984 Game Wrecking crew. Since Foreman Spike is a human character, we wouldn’t be surprised if Mario was working on the pipes of a construction site that was being led by the angry foreman. As a prediction, we really like this idea. Wrecking Crew was originally released before the 1st Super Mario Brothers game, so this would be a clever nod to how Foreman Spike was a part of Mario and Luigi’s lives before they ever set foot in the mushroom. Kingdom sticking with Mario, one of the more contentious casting choices, as we mentioned, was the role of the Italian plumber going to Chris Pratt, with his brother Luigi being voiced by Charlie Day. With that said, the original voice of the iconic brothers, Charles Martinet, is slated to make a cameo appearance as some character in the movie.


Who will Charles Martinet Play?


Even though he’s known mostly as the two Mario brothers, Martinet has voiced a plethora of other characters throughout the Mario series, including Wario and Waluigi. With that said, if Wario and Waluigi do you end up making appearances in the film, we predict they’ll be voiced by another Hollywood celebrity. So who does that leave Charles Martinet with? We may be stretching here, but we think he’ll have a role as an infomercial narrator that explains the function of power ups to the audience in Super Mario Sunshine, Martina is credited as not only playing Mario, but also as the Isle Delfino commercial narrator in the opening cutscene of the game. While Martini does do a good job here, we have to say we really hate this. Idea it really feels like the voice actor is getting somewhat shafted, even though he’s part of what brought the iconic plumbers personality to life in the 1st place. Even if he can’t be the main mustached man himself, we think the voice actor deserves a much bigger part than just a cameo. 2 characters we were somewhat surprised to see announced for the movie are that of Donkey Kong and Cranky Kong, who rarely get major roles in the Mario series.


What will Donkey Kong and Cranky Kong’s Roles Entail?


Let’s get into the lore of the Mario Universe before we go any further. It has been stated on numerous occasions that the Donkey Kong that Mario originally fought eventually grew old and became Cranky Kong. The Donkey Kong that is the star of the Donkey Kong Country series is the grandchild of Cranky Kong and supposedly took over the previous Apes title. This may seem contradictory to the movie’s plot if they’re supposed to appear together in the Mushroom Kingdom, but let’s see if we can give an explanation. Let’s say cranky Kong, back when he was the original Donkey Kong, found a pipe to the Mushroom Kingdom after being defeated by Mario. Now let’s get really crazy. I would say that time in the Mushroom Kingdom moves faster than time on Earth, thus allowing the ape to age many years before Mario and Luigi find the pipe a little later. This would explain why Cranky Kong is much older in the Mushroom Kingdom while Mario is around the same age that he was when he originally fought Cranky Kong. Personally, we like the idea. It’s definitely a little convoluted, but it would finally give an explanation to one of the Mario games most glaring continuity errors. And it would work in the movie as Mario would discover that there are indeed. Other beings which have traveled to the Mushroom Kingdom on Earth. As a side prediction, we wouldn’t be surprised if the inclusion of Donkey Kong and Cranky Kong led to a Donkey Kong movie a few years down the line. Moving away from lore, let’s go back to the movies plot.


How will Mario overcome Bowser?

I’m pretty sure we’re all expecting this film to wrap up with an epic confrontation between Mario and the Koopa King, but what exactly will happen in that battle? Looking at the recently revealed poster of the movie, we see Mario surrounded by many shops run by toads. One of the shops is a sign with the treasure chest from Super Mario brothers three hanging from the building. We could shock this up to a simple Easter egg, but personally we wouldn’t be surprised if Mario and Luigi got their hands on some of the iconic power ups and used them for the fight against Bowser. Maybe even the hidden magic whistle. Since Bowser is apparently harnessing the power stars for himself in this film.

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